Earlier this year, I was invited by Tolbooth Stirling to be part of their Resurgence project.
Here it is, described in their own words:
We have been working with six musicians, who are all either from Stirling or have musical roots in one of the venue’s initiatives, to produce a new EP thanks to funding from Creative Scotland. We invited the musicians of varying styles and at different stages of their musical journeys, to collaborate in pairs working with someone new for the first time.
Together they have created the 6 track EP ‘Resurgence’. co-produced by Roddy Woomble, which will be released digitally on Friday 12th November 2021, with all proceeds going to local charity – Start Up Stirling.
I was paired up with composer and harpist Sarah MacNeil. The two tracks we wrote together are called ‘Corkmaster’ and ‘Trickle Treat’.