/ info
Mike Oldfield's Tubular Bells (1973) was an album unlike any other, a ground breaking collection of instrumentation and sound collages which pushed the boundaries of multi-track recording. It sold 15 million copies worldwide, propelled the Virgin Records label into the mainstream, and made Richard Branson a hell of a lot of money.
CARBS' YouTubular Bells (2018) is a far superior recording in every conceivable way.
YouTubular Bells is built upon the explosion of material freely available upon the world's most popular video streaming service. Centuries worth of sequential sound exist there, and were one to attempt to watch every video, it would take numerous lifetimes to complete. And yet CARBS have taken it upon themselves to extract, reorder, and condense the entire website into five brand new compositions. Consider it the best bits.
Skeletal song structures have been formed from sampled sound. Segments have been twisted, warped, reworked and re-imagined, then fleshed out with bleary synths, twinkling guitars and idio(t)syncratic lyrics.
All songs written by Jonnie Common and Jamie Scott
/ video
/ tracklist
01 Slept On
02 Live Fast Get Coin
03 Surf’s Out
04 Skateboards of Canada
05 Run Fast Get Rings